Saturday, May 14, 2011

Big Girl, Big Money

A few months ago, Big Girl saw her first copy of an American Girl Catalogue. I had made it 5+ years with her only going to the store once to get her first Bitty Baby when Little Man was born and I had thrown out every catalogue since. Well, she found one and decided with her birthday money to purchase the Girl of the Year, Kanani. Then she found all of the wonderful Bitty Baby things she could purchase for her beloved Bitty Baby "Ava".

I held firm and told her that if she wanted to have more American Girl things, she had to save up her own money - no way was I spending my money on overpriced doll accessories and clothing. So during April Vacation, she was determined to count and sort all of her coins to buy Bitty Baby things. Little did we know she would count and roll $47 in change! Big girl's number sense soared in 5 days - she would talk about how she needed 27 more pennies to make 50, so she would have 50 cents and two of those rolls make a dollar. She's the only 5 year old I know who knows that 40 quarters make $10.00. She can even comprehend that she has to pay tax and shipping if we order something over the internet (What you think I was going to travel 30 minutes back to that store so she could swindle me into buying her more overpriced things?).

Then tonight, she blew me away with the following comment, "Mommy, does the American Girl store have a Credit Card that I can use to by Bitty Baby things?" Hubby and I had a good chuckle over that. Thankfully, I'm not aware of any American Girl Visa or Mastercard!

1 comment:

The Cookiegal said...

uh-oh! You might be in trouble! I will give you a Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover book to read to read as a bed time story so she will learn how NOT to use credit cards!