I just had to write down LO's and my conversation from this morning...
LO: "Mommy I want water" (holding up her sippy cup)
Me: "Ok LO, let's go into the kitchen"
LO (hands me the cup): "Righty tighty, lefty loosey Mommy"
Me: "Thank you, LO" (I go to pour it from the water cooler)
LO (pointing her finger): "That's enough Mommy. Thank you!"
I never laughed so hard - she is so funny repeating things that we say and using it in her language...Hubby taught her what "righty tighty, lefty loosey" was the other night and we are constantly telling her "that's enough" with the water cooler (we've had lots of "floods" in our kitchen).
Yesterday she was running in the house and I was in her way and she yelled, "Watch out Mommy!" LOL!
Ah, the crazy things kids say.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Happy Birthday Little One!
In honor of LO's birth, I thought I would post her birth story:
Little One was born at 11:45 am on Friday, December 16th (the day after my b-day), 2005. She weighed 8lbs 13 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Well, it all began on Tuesday, Dec. 13th at the dr's office. My blood pressure was up and the dr decided that we give it a shot and start cervidel that night (I was high, soft and baby was not engaged). She wouldn't even let me go home first and get my bags. I called Hubby and met him at the hospital. Little did I know it would be the beginning of a long week.
The cervidel needs to be in you for 12 hours. So by Wednesday morning, and a ton of contractions later, there was no change in my cervix - a finger tip the dr said. So another round of cervidel was ordered. By 10:00pm Wednesday night, there was no change. The dr said to do one last try and would check me in the morning. Again, no change. So on Thursday morning (my birthday), I was told that I would have a c-section, but because it wasn't an emergency and there were no slots for me to go in, I would have to wait until Friday. They moved me over to post partum for observation and I had 2 non stress tests and an ultrasound (My brother got to witness that - he thought it was the coolest thing - and we were good - I stayed on Team Yellow even though the tech told us we could look).
I got up on Friday with a c-section time of 10:30. I learned that nothing starts on time at hospitals.
At 10:30 they started to prep me - IV's flowing, cathedar inserted, etc.
I was wheeled into the OR around 11:15am - the spinal block was administered and I was quickly laying down to start the surgery. I remember my nurse Barbara - she told me to put my head in my lap - yeah right - I told her the best thing I could do was to put my head in her boobs. After that I couldn't stop laughing. Hubby was then brought in once the spinal block was working. I don't think he was truly prepared for it all - the child birth class spent maybe 10 minutes on c-sections? It was really hard for him to see me laying there - however it didn't really bother me as much as I thought it would.
The funniest thing about the surgery is that the dr's and nurses were so laid back. We had conversations about old people driving and getting their license taken away and about my dr never wanting to drive a mini van. I laughed throughout the whole thing, as my belly felt like a bowl of jello. My dr found this to be the funniest thing as well, because I kept saying it over and over. I think Hubby was a little annoyed at all of my laughing.
This might be TMI but when the bag of waters broke, my dr said "Woah! Tsunami!" and I felt water go everywhere. The suction container (near my head) overflowed and they had to go to the second container. I found it amusing, not gross. Also in the end, my placenta weighed 3lbs 2 oz - the dr said it was one of the biggest placentas she had ever seen.
So back to the birth of LO - the dr told Hubby to stand at the moment she pulled the baby out and he got to watch our daughter be born. He couldn't tell me what she was, b/c he just stopped at her face - the dr exclaimed, "It's a girl!" I instantly started crying/laughing. They took her over to the warmer and suctioned her out, weighed her, and cleaned her up (I could see all of it) and Hubby held her for the rest of the surgery.
Afterwards, they took us to the recovery room, where my mom was waiting for us. Funny, as the nurse was working on me and I was holding the baby (she actually suckled my breast!), my mom and Hubby were franticly making phone calls telling everyone. The ended up taking LO away b/c her blood sugar was low (25) and they had to suppliment her with a 1/2 oz of formula. Her sugars went up to 85 and she was fine.
In the recovery room, my dad, brother and uncle snuck in to see me for 2 minutes - At that time, I was so drugged out, I didn't care. They soon transfered me to my post partum room and LO was able to come in and spend some "skin to skin" time with me. The morphine made me so sick and I never pressed the button to increase the medicine, so they shut it off. By that evening, I was getting up to the bathroom and by midnight, I was eating crackers and taking motrin by mouth.
In all, the c-section was not bad. My only part of not liking it was the IV and cathedar (the first 30 min of it). During the surgery, I kept thinking to myself - thank God I don't have to push this thing out, which is completely different than how I thought before. Looking back, there are many women who feel that having a c-section makes them feel like less of a woman or a mother - for me after going through the pregnancy I had and the 3 day induction ordeal, it was the most liberating experience.
Happy 2nd Birthday Little One! I love you!
Little One was born at 11:45 am on Friday, December 16th (the day after my b-day), 2005. She weighed 8lbs 13 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Well, it all began on Tuesday, Dec. 13th at the dr's office. My blood pressure was up and the dr decided that we give it a shot and start cervidel that night (I was high, soft and baby was not engaged). She wouldn't even let me go home first and get my bags. I called Hubby and met him at the hospital. Little did I know it would be the beginning of a long week.
The cervidel needs to be in you for 12 hours. So by Wednesday morning, and a ton of contractions later, there was no change in my cervix - a finger tip the dr said. So another round of cervidel was ordered. By 10:00pm Wednesday night, there was no change. The dr said to do one last try and would check me in the morning. Again, no change. So on Thursday morning (my birthday), I was told that I would have a c-section, but because it wasn't an emergency and there were no slots for me to go in, I would have to wait until Friday. They moved me over to post partum for observation and I had 2 non stress tests and an ultrasound (My brother got to witness that - he thought it was the coolest thing - and we were good - I stayed on Team Yellow even though the tech told us we could look).
I got up on Friday with a c-section time of 10:30. I learned that nothing starts on time at hospitals.
I was wheeled into the OR around 11:15am - the spinal block was administered and I was quickly laying down to start the surgery. I remember my nurse Barbara - she told me to put my head in my lap - yeah right - I told her the best thing I could do was to put my head in her boobs. After that I couldn't stop laughing. Hubby was then brought in once the spinal block was working. I don't think he was truly prepared for it all - the child birth class spent maybe 10 minutes on c-sections? It was really hard for him to see me laying there - however it didn't really bother me as much as I thought it would.
The funniest thing about the surgery is that the dr's and nurses were so laid back. We had conversations about old people driving and getting their license taken away and about my dr never wanting to drive a mini van. I laughed throughout the whole thing, as my belly felt like a bowl of jello. My dr found this to be the funniest thing as well, because I kept saying it over and over. I think Hubby was a little annoyed at all of my laughing.
This might be TMI but when the bag of waters broke, my dr said "Woah! Tsunami!" and I felt water go everywhere. The suction container (near my head) overflowed and they had to go to the second container. I found it amusing, not gross. Also in the end, my placenta weighed 3lbs 2 oz - the dr said it was one of the biggest placentas she had ever seen.
So back to the birth of LO - the dr told Hubby to stand at the moment she pulled the baby out and he got to watch our daughter be born. He couldn't tell me what she was, b/c he just stopped at her face - the dr exclaimed, "It's a girl!" I instantly started crying/laughing. They took her over to the warmer and suctioned her out, weighed her, and cleaned her up (I could see all of it) and Hubby held her for the rest of the surgery.
Afterwards, they took us to the recovery room, where my mom was waiting for us. Funny, as the nurse was working on me and I was holding the baby (she actually suckled my breast!), my mom and Hubby were franticly making phone calls telling everyone. The ended up taking LO away b/c her blood sugar was low (25) and they had to suppliment her with a 1/2 oz of formula. Her sugars went up to 85 and she was fine.
In the recovery room, my dad, brother and uncle snuck in to see me for 2 minutes - At that time, I was so drugged out, I didn't care. They soon transfered me to my post partum room and LO was able to come in and spend some "skin to skin" time with me. The morphine made me so sick and I never pressed the button to increase the medicine, so they shut it off. By that evening, I was getting up to the bathroom and by midnight, I was eating crackers and taking motrin by mouth.
In all, the c-section was not bad. My only part of not liking it was the IV and cathedar (the first 30 min of it). During the surgery, I kept thinking to myself - thank God I don't have to push this thing out, which is completely different than how I thought before. Looking back, there are many women who feel that having a c-section makes them feel like less of a woman or a mother - for me after going through the pregnancy I had and the 3 day induction ordeal, it was the most liberating experience.
Happy 2nd Birthday Little One! I love you!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
"I'm two!"
Today we celebrated LO's birthday. We did it a little early to make things easier on the holidays and my "big" birthday. She did really well - no nap and very few meltdowns - that is always a plus for any birthday party.
A photoshoot before the party:

With Buddy - she loves the stupid dog...

The Cakes:

The multicolored brownie cheese cake:

Not wanting anything to do with the cake:

Still doesn't want anything to do with the cake:

Just let me play trains please:

What's this deal with cake anyways?

Gift chaos:

After opening her gifts, I prompted LO by saying, "Now what do you say?" and she responded, "Bu-Bye Everyone!" She wanted everyone to go home so she could play with her toys! lol!
Playing trains (with a red playscarf/princess dress on):

Playing Candy Land:

The balloons - she LOVED her Thomas one:

Thank you, and goodnight!

Thank you everyone who came - it was a great day! :)
A photoshoot before the party:
With Buddy - she loves the stupid dog...
The Cakes:
The multicolored brownie cheese cake:
Not wanting anything to do with the cake:
Still doesn't want anything to do with the cake:
Just let me play trains please:
What's this deal with cake anyways?
Gift chaos:
After opening her gifts, I prompted LO by saying, "Now what do you say?" and she responded, "Bu-Bye Everyone!" She wanted everyone to go home so she could play with her toys! lol!
Playing trains (with a red playscarf/princess dress on):
Playing Candy Land:
The balloons - she LOVED her Thomas one:
Thank you, and goodnight!
Thank you everyone who came - it was a great day! :)
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...
Yesterday we set up our Christmas Tree for LO's birthday party today. She really enjoyed putting the decorations up on it. This morning when she saw the tree all lit up, she was so excited so I captured some pictures...

We still need to get a star for the top - our bow got too crushed over the years.

Our table top tree and stockings - I need to make a handmade one for LO...

The tree skirt I made one summer:
We still need to get a star for the top - our bow got too crushed over the years.
Our table top tree and stockings - I need to make a handmade one for LO...
The tree skirt I made one summer:
Friday, December 7, 2007
9 Words!
We hit a record (that I know of) of a nine word utterance! :) The other afternoon, LO picked up her "horsies" and said, "I take tubby now so I can wash horsies?" WOW! Totally blew me away.
Makes me want to get out my old Speech Path stuff and do a MLU on her to see where she stands...but no way do I have the time to transcribe something like that - maybe over vacation or something. ;)
Makes me want to get out my old Speech Path stuff and do a MLU on her to see where she stands...but no way do I have the time to transcribe something like that - maybe over vacation or something. ;)
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Holiday Party!
Today we went to a holiday party for my dad's social/service club. LO got to play with her cousins and see Santa. We also tried to take a few pictures for our holiday card...unfortunately we didn't get too many to choose from...

And Santa - where she proceeded to flash my chest to the whole party...

And my sister's photo shoot with her two boys...

And I love this one of her LO (who is 2 months younger than my LO):

And this one of LO - YUMMY!
And Santa - where she proceeded to flash my chest to the whole party...
And my sister's photo shoot with her two boys...
And I love this one of her LO (who is 2 months younger than my LO):
And this one of LO - YUMMY!
Helping Daddy!
Ring Around the Rosie!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Knitted Hat
Well, I had a few days off for Thanksgiving Break and my wrist is feeling a lot better, so I picked up my knitting needles and made LO a hat...only problem, she won't take it off now.
Playing in the field last night at the Festival:

Eating french fries at Burger King:

And being a "princess" and playing in the kitchen:

(don't ask about the blanket - she thinks it's a "princess dress" when I tie it like that...lol!)
And updated - the new hat I knitted:

On her way up to bed with Daddy (who is also wearing a mandatory hat). :)
Playing in the field last night at the Festival:
Eating french fries at Burger King:
And being a "princess" and playing in the kitchen:
(don't ask about the blanket - she thinks it's a "princess dress" when I tie it like that...lol!)
And updated - the new hat I knitted:
On her way up to bed with Daddy (who is also wearing a mandatory hat). :)
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